

Dancers/Co-Creators: Sergio Camacho, Claire Goldes, Isabella Harris, Marina Hartogs, Liana Kulchin, Jessica Leyva, Sarah Llewellyn, Crista McClain, Claire Simmons, Taylor Payne.
Conductor: David Lopez
Choreographer: Allison Eversoll in collaboration with the dancers
Costume Design: Allison Eversoll and Dancers
Lighting Design: Marissa Alejandra Diaz
Sound Design: Summer Ludlow
Projection Designer: Jake Kelley

Music- In order of show

Call Me” by Katuchat

“Kindled Thoughts” Original Sound Design by Summer Ludlow

Cracked Mirrors and Stopped Clocksby Origamibiro

“WithIn” Original Sound Design by Summer Ludlow

Optimistby Zoe Keating

About The Work:

I have been researching this past year what a first-year college experience should encompass for students as they embark on a new path in education.  There were four themes that resonated a lot to me while creating a Freshman Seminar Outline, but when it came to choreography identity as a human and dancer and community vs autonomy stood out the most to me for movement exploration. This work for me was more about the rehearsal process and the different exercises I gave the cast. In this piece, you will see moments of community and coming together as a group, but many moments of individuality among the dancers.  As you watch this work I encourage you to reflect on what the word community means but also how you feel about being an individual and embarking on journeys for yourself. In addition, what does identity meant to you? How do you describe yourself in the purest form that we are, human, and how do you identify who you are in relation to your career? I am….