25 Days of Fitness

Workout Videos will be added the morning of the workout.

We are back with yet another challenge, HOWEVER, this month is apart of our REBOOT series. If you haven’t checked out my top 5 tips and tricks to help restart your fitness journey, take a moment to watch below

5 Tips and Tricks to Restart your Fitness Journey

Each workout this month is a 2 part series

Part 1: REBOOT

Part 2: Specific Workout

Whether you are choosing to do the REBOOT portion or both parts 1 & 2 you will find yourself moving and grooving for 25 days.

25 Days of Fitness- 2 Parts

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge

  1. Follow along on YOUTUBE- Hit the subscribe and bell to be notified each one of these videos drop.

  2. When it says REBOOT reference the calendar to the right. REBOOT days in BLACK are done on your own.

  3. REST DAYS are there as markers, but listen to your body and go with what you can do.

25 Days of Fitness- REBOOT Series

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge

  1. Reboot days in WHITE are completed in part one of the YOUTUBE workout( reference to the left for the YOUTUBE workouts). Reboot days in BLACK are done on your own.

  2. Even if you are only choosing the REBOOT series come join in Realtime with the YOUTUBE videos.

  3. While we add on sets and reps go with your own pace. If you need to stay at 10x the whole month go for it! Enjoy those REST DAYS.

I am always here to answer any questions. Reach out even if it is just to say hello. ROCK IT OUT and have a wonderful holiday season.